For young people: C-Card

If you are aged 13 to 24 and live in Bromley, you can sign up for a London C-Card. This gives you access to free condoms at a wide range of outlets in the borough of Bromley.
The C-Card is also available to young people who live in a number of London boroughs. Visit the Come Correct website for more details
For men who have sex with men: Man2Man

Man2man is for men who live, study or work in the borough of Bromley, and have sex with men.
For African and Afro-Caribbean communities: WisDOM

wisDOM provides free condoms and confidential HIV and STI prevention advice to African and Afro-Caribbean people in Bromley.
Reduced rate condoms
If you aren't able to use these free condom schemes, you can buy condoms online at a reduced rate on the Freedoms website.